Our Leadership Coaches are Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioners and Motivational Coaches. That means that they have a highly effective set of psychological tools for change, motivation, success, empowerment, influence, persuasion and communication. With the knowledge of NLP, they can develop:
As they say, the best leaders aren’t born, they are MADE.
For us at The OTaB Group, That means that they are IDENTIFIED, TRAINED and EQUIPPED to lead.
The best planning, procedures, processes and policies fail without good leadership. The OTaB group helps to develop existing and new leaders that will be capable of implementing the right planning, procedures, processes and policies that will grow, improve and strategically advance the establishment(s) they lead.
This happens through the variety of “customized” Leadership Development Programs and Events that we organize through our various partnerships.
Contact us for more information about that